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1990  Exhibition catalog: III. World Triennial Exhibition of small ceramics Zagreb

1992  Public art in Central Switzerland (a manual) GSMBA

1993  Catalog: IV. World Triennial Exhibition of small ceramics, Zagreb, Croatia. Italy

1993  Catalog:  48th Concorso Internazonale della Ceramica D´ arte Faenza,

1994  Catalog: XIV. Biennale Internationale de Ceramique d´art Vallauris, France

1995  The Hochdorf Ernst office  Scagnet

1996  Who's Who in Contemporary Ceramics Arts 1996

1998  Exhibition catalog: 5th World Triennial Exhibition of small ceramics Zagreb

1999 traces of work trade journal des  Swiss Association of Works Teachers 

2002  Swiss Artist Lexicon (SIK Swiss Institute for Art Studies Zurich)

2002  Catalog Corpo, Segno, Superficie (Pro Art Ferrara) Ferrara, Italy

2003  Catalog: Varazdin, Croatia, The International Festival of Postmodern  Ceramics 

2005  Brickyard Museum 

2005  Scolpito I  Poetry collection Matta Lena (Feuerball KKL Uffikon)

2005  Exhibition catalog     Ceramists Association of Croatia, Varazdin, Croatia (guest)

2006  Art address book BRD / A / CH  KG Sauerverlag GmbH, Munich

2007  Exhibition catalog  Forchheim - New York,  Artexpo New York City

2008  Exhibition catalog Europe and Asia Today

2009  Raum & Mensch magazine for holistic living and building

2016  Klei trade journal Netherlands

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